Central features of human evolution may stop our species from resolving global environmental problems like climate change, says a recent study led by the University of Maine.

Humans have come to dominate the planet with tools and systems to exploit natural resources that were refined over thousands of years through the process of cultural adaptation to the environment. University of Maine evolutionary biologist Tim Waring wanted to know how this process of cultural adaptation to the environment might influence the goal of solving global environmental problems. What he found was counterintuitive.

  • MelonYellow@lemmy.ca
    9 months ago

    We really are limited as a species. The science has existed for decades, yet an overwhelming population either denies or chooses to ignore it. Plus Maslow’s hierarchy of needs - most of us are still focused on the basics of immediate survival. Our biggest problems are selfishness and short-sightedness IMO. Not sure how we could achieve global cooperation to solve climate change, if the threat of extinction isn’t doing it. Maybe if we were a hive-mind species lol. I like to imagine what advanced alien civilizations would think of us.