• davidagain@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Even if your points were correct, it’s an absurd conclusion to draw: voting mighn’t keep them out of power in the long so don’t try now? How stupid is that advice? Very.

    No, this is historically inaaccurate, hilariously so. The Nazis took power without being elected.

    The Nazi party came to hold the reigns of government by winning the largest number of seats in a parliamentary election. (In Europe coalition government is more common than in the USA.) No power, no regime.

    that just kicks the problem down the road

    For four years. Better than allowing it to happen this year!

    Maybe we can kick the can down the road long enough for the Republican party to realise that cristofascism isn’t popular and if they want power ever again they’d better drop it.

    What do the fascists want? People who care to stay home on election day or vote for everyone except the one that beat trump last time. What are you advocating? The same course of action. Literally the same.

    I’m actually suggesting organizing, touching grass…

    Blah blah blah, but putting a mark in the box that matters is too much for you. Got it. Very sincere antifascist. /s