• Veneroso@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Yeah I know.

    I was actually trying to allude to this. Before my mother passed, she suffered for years from chronic diahreah. She had contracted CDIF during a hospital stay and it affected her for most of the rest of her life. I believe that her repeated use of strong antibiotics destroyed her gut biome and I long tried to convince her to be open to the idea.

    Unfortunately, she couldn’t get past the gross out factor.

    Very few doctors are willing to discuss it, and even fewer willing to try.

    I do find the field of study to be extremely interesting, especially when you factor in that there has been some clinical data to indicate that autistic children seem to have some improvement after a successful transplant. As a person on the spectrum myself, who is overweight, and deals with generalized anxiety disorder, I sometimes wonder if it’s something that I should look into for myself.

    Interesting stuff!