So I’d like to have a video doorbell set up so that it communicates locally with my HA, raising an event when the button is pressed, allowing me to watch its audio and video stream live, and speak back to whoever is at the door. Ideally either from the browser or my phone, when I’m at home or not.

I don’t care about motion sensing or AI or even NVR functions really. What software do I need? Should I bother going through the process of setting up Frigate or is there something simpler that would do the job?

  • Ross of
    3 months ago

    @GreatAlbatross @Heavybell the person detection is very nice.

    I have HA play a gentle tune in basement stairwell when that detection fires. It allowing us to detect the delivery guys who don’t bother pressing the doorbell, and thus avoid the risk of pkgs sitting in view of passers-by all day.