• octopus_ink@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    Yes, years of hell and nightmares, but compare the Germany of today to the pre-WW2 Germany, it’s like a night and day difference. And Germany was nearly destroyed out of existence before it was rebuilt into what it is now.

    Wait wait wait. So your high falutin protest vote plan is a success if Trump gets in, we devolve into WWII Germany, get destroyed as a nation, and rebuilt from the ground up?

    Holy baby with the bathwater, Batman.

    • hypnoton@discuss.online
      2 months ago

      It’s a success no matter what happens, because I signal my policy preference and any party is welcome to try to capture my vote by working for my interests.

      The Dems can always move left. Or if not, I will signal my preferences in new ways should the right get a governing majority.

      Fuck the so called “moderates.”

      I fear capitalism more than fascism anyway. At least there is no pretense under fascism that we still have a social contract. I can kill fascists and not go to jail or get disapproved by everyone and their dog. And it also gives me permission to stop taking this deadending clusterfuck of a world seriously, and boy am I TIRED of the status quo, I am ready to take things less seriously.