• Paragone@lemmy.world
        3 months ago


        You will note that that page, 4y old, now, included an item in the book of Daniel, which stated that the abomination “wouldn’t even be legal to be king”, or some such thing…

        ( haven’t read the page in a long while, & won’t bother again: it’s coming true. )

        Until Trump became a convicted-felon, that prophecy was a blocker on the stack-of-prophecies.

        There is no longer any blocker.

        It’s Showtime…

        ( I’m Vajrayana, not Christian, but ScientificallyTestablePredictions are testable-for-truth, no matter who they were made by,

        & I don’t accept ideology-based-“science” as having any validity.

        IF the evidence backs that stack-of-prophecies, THEN … that is that.

        : )

        • FuglyDuck@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          Just for the record, it was understood by people contemporary to John of Patmos, that his Antichrist was Nero.

          I’m going to assume that Daniel was similarly being allegorical and referring to someone contemporary to the author- overall, the book of Daniel was largely meant as a message to the Jews of 2nd century BC; to bring encouragement. Literally, that as god protected them in the past, they’d be protected now.

          It’s incorrect to say it was a prophetic work referring to the New Testament. (The four of the little horn are Babylon, the Medes, Persians and Greeks; and Selucid Syria and Ptolemic Egypt. The dream-statue-guy empire are Babylon, medo-Persian, Greeks and Rome.)

          At no point is it referring to Trump, even if there are obvious similarities.