People are lonely. Is it because we are addicted to our phones, or is that a symptom of larger design choices we made when building our places? We cover some of the general concepts related to social infrastructure an try to evaluate what to do next.

    30 days ago

    I don’t think others are threats, I just don’t want to hear them arguing or farting or have them in my way.

    Edit I’ve lived in a cheap apartment before and could literally hear when my neighbor took a shit. I’ve also lived in a condo, and while higher end, I could still hear my neighbor open and close their front door.

    I would much rather hear the birds in my rural yard than hear people moving around

    Edit edit I have lots of people in my life, and have friends at my home, or am at their home multiple times a week. I would not describe myself as isolated or lonely, just choiceful about what noise and space pollution I allow in my life

      29 days ago

      Yeah in europe this is pretty well mitigated with a healthy amount of solid concrete or similar dense building materials. In the US we put up walls and doors made of paper even in the nicest apartments. It seems standard but it’s a pretty shoddy one if so. I will never understand it other than as a cost saving measure and more systemically, a tool to make poor people miserable and drive everyone else into single family housing.