If you are the simmy type or like space, Elite Dangerous is insanely good, but has a learning curve up front. It’s the only game I’ve put over 1,100 hours in and still haven’t explored everything.
Subnautica is another game I can highly recommend.
If you wanna play games with friends (Elite is also MP), The Forest is a great game to bond over.
Different genres. Starfield is mostly you running around on foot, having shootouts, and interacting with people and human-sized environments. The space combat is basically an elaborate mini-game.
Elite Dangerous is mostly about flying space ships around.
Personally, I liked Starfield, though I think that it’s weaker than most prior Bethesda offerings. I stopped playing Elite Dangerous, though I have enjoyed some past space-combat-and-trading games, like Escape Velocity. Just never really hooked me. I didn’t like the Elite Dangerous “faux online multiplayer” thing at all — multiplayer breaking immersion in crafted environments is one thing that I’m not a fan of, and unnecessarily adding that just seemed obnoxious to me. The removedpit UI felt like it was more-oriented towards VR use to me, which may be good if you have a VR headset.
If you are the simmy type or like space, Elite Dangerous is insanely good, but has a learning curve up front. It’s the only game I’ve put over 1,100 hours in and still haven’t explored everything.
Subnautica is another game I can highly recommend.
If you wanna play games with friends (Elite is also MP), The Forest is a great game to bond over.
Black mesa is another banger.
X4 is on sale as well, if you want something similar to Elite
How does Elite Dangerous compared to starfield? I’m 20 hours into starfield but finding it quite fun.
Different genres. Starfield is mostly you running around on foot, having shootouts, and interacting with people and human-sized environments. The space combat is basically an elaborate mini-game.
Elite Dangerous is mostly about flying space ships around.
Personally, I liked Starfield, though I think that it’s weaker than most prior Bethesda offerings. I stopped playing Elite Dangerous, though I have enjoyed some past space-combat-and-trading games, like Escape Velocity. Just never really hooked me. I didn’t like the Elite Dangerous “faux online multiplayer” thing at all — multiplayer breaking immersion in crafted environments is one thing that I’m not a fan of, and unnecessarily adding that just seemed obnoxious to me. The removedpit UI felt like it was more-oriented towards VR use to me, which may be good if you have a VR headset.