Sanders is one of the most popular politicians in the US, and his political analysis and messaging remain as relevant and compelling as ever. But while his Tour to Fight Oligarchy is inspiring and important, the broad left badly needs a political vision that goes beyond Sanders.
Bernie is the only leftist in the Senate. So until that changes it will be impossible to move beyond him.
We need a progressive takeover of the democratic party. The MAGAs tranformed the republican party in what 10 years?
If we have midterms it has to start then.
We have to organize at the community level and do it without all the shadowfunding the fascists have.
Probably won’t happen. The DNC are conservatives and the majority of the US is too. Most ppl are too dumb/uninformed to see left leaning politics is what they actually want
Which means there’s no hope for this framework and the best thing that can happen is collapse and rebuild for even any long term hope for our descendants after a lot of pain.
I agree the people have been systematically made hostile to policies that would defend them the laborers from the capitalists by capitalist for profit media propaganda and capitalist captured government propaganda.
If the people are only willing to vote as “left” as the good cop fascist dems and it’s a coin flip between them and the can’t go any further right fascist Repubs, there is no solution short of letting entropy tear it all down.
You can’t repair a sinking ship when the only solutions available are make more little holes(D) or make more big holes®in the hull. The people would need to at minimum have a stop making new holes (funneling all resources to the top 0.1%) party. But that’s evil communist leninist Marxist socialism Herp derp! Better starve to death under a freeway 🇺🇸
I think the language is funky. They’re saying beyond, like take his ideas and go even further, not move away from Bernie. They want more and better of him.
Luigi, because Bernie was our compromise.
Reading the article, the argument is that Bernie isn’t left enough, and more radical candidates need to be run in primaries.