starlink internet / / “Dutton25 campaign eats a fat shit over election results”
Musk is a fuck head and we should avoid starlink because of Musk rather than the service itself.
What a great idea! Musk messing around with election infrastructure in the USA definitely wasn’t suspicious.
I know right! It is very concerning
I’m not at all a fan of the ketamine clown, but it’s literally just a dumb pipe.
If you’re truly concerned about the integrity of data passed over it, treat it as one of many multiplexed channels, and use out-of-band cryptographic validation, which any serious voting system design should include regardless.
We should 100%, unironically go back solely to paper ballots. Even if they take months to tally up.
These are Australian elections – it is 100% paper ballots.
The starlink thing is just a backup link for communicating election-night preliminary count data counted by election staff at the booths. Then the ballots are transported to counting centres for the official count. Full legal results aren’t known for a couple of weeks.
Sure. But I do wonder why he’s so keen to get involved here. Don’t trust it for one bit.
encryption is a thing?