I used to swear a lot. I decided to not swear at all (except for possibly mild swears), instead replacing most swears with minced oaths.
My family is Christian and I would get yelled at for swearing even if it just slipped out. So far, I don’t swear unless I’m feeling a strong emotion or acting impulsively, but I’ll usually say things like “F/eff” or “fudge” instead of the F-word.
I like to be “creative”, so my go-tos are usually “Go fudge yourself”, or “What the cluck?”
I might say “mother lover” instead of MF
Forking shirtballs, The Good Place has the best replacement words.
Fuck, which becomes Fork. Shit, which becomes Shirt. *removed*, which becomes Bench. Ass, which becomes Ash. Dick, which becomes Deck. *removed*, which becomes Cork.
On those last two, watch this old ad
High quality stuff
I forking love this