That’s like me saying “hey, that guy there, he raped a person, I saw him put his dick into another person with force, against their will” and me asking you to be a witness and affirm that thing to the cops, and then you come in and say “well yeah, everyone who has a penis is technically a rapist, so yeah, I admit that that person is a rapist because he has a penis” which would mean you’re implying that you are not a witness to that rape.
You see how this works? Like each and every time, I have to draw it out of you, and then when I do, you just skip and run. I told you, we’ve had this chat a dozen times.
Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the Russian military and authorities have committed war crimes, such as deliberate attacks against civilian targets, including on hospitals, medical facilities and on the energy grid;[1][2][3] indiscriminate attacks on densely-populated areas; the abduction, torture and murder of civilians; forced deportations; sexual violence; destruction of cultural heritage; and the killing and torture of Ukrainian prisoners of war.
If you accept these to be true, I’d shut up. But you won’t. Instead you’ll keep whatabouting about Zelensky, hoping I’ll instead try to shift the conversation onto asking “why don’t you support Zelensky”, but that’s kinda obvious, so I don’t. And you won’t accept those crimes, like all the dozens of times before, and you won’t accept that Putin should be held personally responsible for those crimes either, I’d wager.
I’m taking the stand of justice and accusing war criminals of their wrongdoings. All of them not just one.
You keep removeding about me but you haven’t answer the question yourself. Do you agree that trump, putin, zelenskyy, macron and most world rulers are all corrupted pigs with blood on their hands?
Just like each and every time. You won’t accept Russian warcrimes which are very well documented. You’re just too cowardly and really bad at playing smart.
It’s always the same. You really should pay attention to my nickname and avoid it, lil’ вахтера
You’re not taking a stand.
That’s like me saying “hey, that guy there, he raped a person, I saw him put his dick into another person with force, against their will” and me asking you to be a witness and affirm that thing to the cops, and then you come in and say “well yeah, everyone who has a penis is technically a rapist, so yeah, I admit that that person is a rapist because he has a penis” which would mean you’re implying that you are not a witness to that rape.
You see how this works? Like each and every time, I have to draw it out of you, and then when I do, you just skip and run. I told you, we’ve had this chat a dozen times.
If you accept these to be true, I’d shut up. But you won’t. Instead you’ll keep whatabouting about Zelensky, hoping I’ll instead try to shift the conversation onto asking “why don’t you support Zelensky”, but that’s kinda obvious, so I don’t. And you won’t accept those crimes, like all the dozens of times before, and you won’t accept that Putin should be held personally responsible for those crimes either, I’d wager.
Please, do prove me wrong.
I’m taking the stand of justice and accusing war criminals of their wrongdoings. All of them not just one.
You keep removeding about me but you haven’t answer the question yourself. Do you agree that trump, putin, zelenskyy, macron and most world rulers are all corrupted pigs with blood on their hands?
See, it’s just like aways, my little sweetums.
Just. Like. I. Said.
I most certainly don’t agree with your sidetracking.
**You can’t admit to the crimes of Putin without going “but only if every other leader is corrupt as well” you’re a coward, WHO DOESN’T TAKE A STAND.
There’s an ICC warrant for Putin. For a reason.
Just like each and every time. You won’t accept Russian warcrimes which are very well documented. You’re just too cowardly and really bad at playing smart.
It’s always the same. You really should pay attention to my nickname and avoid it, lil’ вахтера