I work with two people that are within a year of retiring and they are absolutely ecstatic that Trump was doing this to Social Security, as well I work with people that are in their early 20s that are exactly the same happy that this is happening and thinking that they will all become super wealthy.
My redneck trailer removed American family has absolutely nothing saved for retirement, but they think that social security tax took all of their money and gave it to people who are cheating the system pretending to be disabled
It’s weird how these people seemingly learned nothing from history. I remember hearing from baby boomers (as a Gen Xer) that they would not get to collect Social Security by the time they retired, since the Silent Generation/Greatest Generation were going to use it all up, that it wasn’t funded, it was a pyramid scheme, etc…and they just want “their” money so they could gamble on the stock market with it instead. Naturally, I heard a lot of Gen X pick up and parrot a lot of this same bullshit narrative, with probably even MORE zeal since there were a whole lot more baby boomers than there were Gen X. Turns out Gen Y was quite large, but that didn’t stop people from repeating this, even if it was pointed out that any kind of “problem” was easily fixed if you lifted the cap on SS.
Rinse, repeat…and it’s the exact same shit. Now apparently fucking Gen Z is saying it too. You just know that eventually the anti-intellectual dipshits will get their way in making everything awful. It’s a whole lot easier to break stuff than to build it…
I work with two people that are within a year of retiring and they are absolutely ecstatic that Trump was doing this to Social Security, as well I work with people that are in their early 20s that are exactly the same happy that this is happening and thinking that they will all become super wealthy.
My redneck trailer removed American family has absolutely nothing saved for retirement, but they think that social security tax took all of their money and gave it to people who are cheating the system pretending to be disabled
I hear the same bs too. I work with a few hardcore Mormons who say the same thing, its bizarre.
did you ask them if they were making 400k+ year? because thats the only group above 400k that will benefit from all these tax cuts.
No I didn’t bring that up, I actually barely talk to anybody I work with anymore. I just listen and laugh to myself.
this is the way
It’s weird how these people seemingly learned nothing from history. I remember hearing from baby boomers (as a Gen Xer) that they would not get to collect Social Security by the time they retired, since the Silent Generation/Greatest Generation were going to use it all up, that it wasn’t funded, it was a pyramid scheme, etc…and they just want “their” money so they could gamble on the stock market with it instead. Naturally, I heard a lot of Gen X pick up and parrot a lot of this same bullshit narrative, with probably even MORE zeal since there were a whole lot more baby boomers than there were Gen X. Turns out Gen Y was quite large, but that didn’t stop people from repeating this, even if it was pointed out that any kind of “problem” was easily fixed if you lifted the cap on SS.
Rinse, repeat…and it’s the exact same shit. Now apparently fucking Gen Z is saying it too. You just know that eventually the anti-intellectual dipshits will get their way in making everything awful. It’s a whole lot easier to break stuff than to build it…