Welcome again to everybody. Make yourself at home. In the time-honoured tradition of our group, here is the weekly discussion thread.
☭ Matrix homeserver and space
☭ Theory reading group on hiatus, will move to Lemmygrad later this year
☭ Find theory on ProleWiki, marxists.org, Anna’s Archive, libgen
Went to see the Bab Dylun movie with Timothée Camembert and was surprised Pete Seeger and Woody Guthrie were in it. Maybe some good thing for the youth to see.
Read this:
Yeah, they were both CPUSA members too, which is kewl for me pesonally, but Pete Seeger became a Webbite or at least sided with Angela Davis to dissolve Marxism-Leninism from the program of the Communist Party and to liquidate it in the 1990s.
One major disagreement was whether or not Boris Yeltsin was a good leader and the legitimate leader of Russian Federation; Angela sided with Boris Yeltsin in this case, and said the “August Coup” was wrong.