It was clearly rehearsed. Trump had his comments prepared and was going to get out no matter what Zelenskyy said.
and he had the barking chihuahua vance as good measure.
We need some pictures of Vance on a leash with a dog collar (and maybe a ball gag). At least it would be more honest.
You think? It was pretty civil for 30 minutes at least until zelenskyy triggered JD by saying "what diplomacy did you do exactly?*
its him negotiating between his couches.
Yeah, why do politics always have to be in person, where emotions get in the way and you don’t have the time to think things through? Almost as if it’s just done out of tradition, by people who are good at it, to justify their position. Some might argue that it is because it’s harder to hide your true colors that way but we now that that’s not true and good (meaning successful) politicians are good liars.
Emails aren’t nearly theatrical enough
This came to mind
Vance looks like the guys in Christian
propagandaliterature who are refusing temptation, usually in the form of a modernly-dressed woman.Hé is rejecting the couch. He can’t sucumb again, last time the separation was too hard
Bet he didn’t even send a thankyou animated eCard, with his face cut out and put on a dancing banana person set to the golden girls theme song.