Teslas have no QA. Teslas have lied about their advertised range. That said level 3 charging constantly can degrade it faster, data from the research I discussed in the last comment showed that a lot of miles but with no level 3 charging has a negligible affect.
Perhaps when selling an EV there could be an inspection or the manufacturer provide in the software a diagnostic on battery health for buyer awareness still.
If it lines musks profits it could be of interest right now I guess lol. Selling used teslas doesn’t transfer ownership of FSD and stuff so they have to rebuy it, and it could help resell value which buyers put in their decision, so I imagine it could be profitable? That said they are a bunch of idiots so probably not.
Most electric cars are pretty much computers on wheels, and voltages, currents and temperature are constantly monitored. It totally should be possible to log battery health and diagnostic information and generate a battery health report for when the vehicle is sold. But standards would need to be put in place for that to force manufacturers to implement it and to make sure the results are actually meaningful.
Unfortunately Tesla’s specifically really don’t feel like they’re designed to last when looking at their materials choices and build quality (either that or my manager just bought a particularly bad sample, I have to admit it’s the only Tesla I ever been inside of) so I don’t think having a good reseller experience or longevity is really a part of their business model.
Teslas have no QA. Teslas have lied about their advertised range. That said level 3 charging constantly can degrade it faster, data from the research I discussed in the last comment showed that a lot of miles but with no level 3 charging has a negligible affect.
Perhaps when selling an EV there could be an inspection or the manufacturer provide in the software a diagnostic on battery health for buyer awareness still.
Source: https://www.geotab.com/blog/ev-battery-health/
Let’s get the government right on that new regulation. With the guys in charge, shouldn’t be an issue.
If it lines musks profits it could be of interest right now I guess lol. Selling used teslas doesn’t transfer ownership of FSD and stuff so they have to rebuy it, and it could help resell value which buyers put in their decision, so I imagine it could be profitable? That said they are a bunch of idiots so probably not.
Most electric cars are pretty much computers on wheels, and voltages, currents and temperature are constantly monitored. It totally should be possible to log battery health and diagnostic information and generate a battery health report for when the vehicle is sold. But standards would need to be put in place for that to force manufacturers to implement it and to make sure the results are actually meaningful.
Unfortunately Tesla’s specifically really don’t feel like they’re designed to last when looking at their materials choices and build quality (either that or my manager just bought a particularly bad sample, I have to admit it’s the only Tesla I ever been inside of) so I don’t think having a good reseller experience or longevity is really a part of their business model.
Yeah Tesla goes for range and has been caught lying about it being high. That being said Toyotas promise for theirs was Toyota bZ4X Battery To Retain 90% Capacity After 10 Years