“In a variant of the Sowing Doubt About China - But At What Cost? propaganda scheme, the New York Times makes the (somewhat racist)[only “somewhat”?] claim that China lacks the capability to turn talent into innovation”
“In a variant of the Sowing Doubt About China - But At What Cost? propaganda scheme, the New York Times makes the (somewhat racist)[only “somewhat”?] claim that China lacks the capability to turn talent into innovation”
actual article aside, I’ve never heard of this site before and i’m astounded in the sheer volume of regular comments on each post. interesting.
Think of Moon of Alabama as Norman Finkelstein
prolly good, in regards to regular foreign policy takes, with a bit of anti-capitalist undertone… but don’t ask them about cultural issues regarding trans people
lol yeah didn’t say anything about the particulars of said comments. at a glance, saw a few Wrong (but better than average westerners’… maybe) takes on demography/demographics. I was just astounded on the regular interaction and again, sheer volume, on a site with a format and aesthetics that I would place as pre-livejournal/forums
The comments are a very mixed bag. You can occasionally find some gems but i wouldn’t recommend wading in there without a hazmat suit. I mostly avoid them and just read the posts to preserve my sanity. But yeah there’s always some lively discussion going on, and there seems to be very little moderation so it’s not just the aesthetic that is reminiscent of the old internet’s message boards… It’s not uncommon to read a solid materialist analysis in one comment followed by some utterly deranged and detached from reality conspiracy shit in the next.
The site seems to attract pretty much every political ideology except for mainstream liberals/neocons (the two being basically indistinguishable nowadays).
yeah I briefly glanced thru a bit and was like… I have limited time on this planet and I don’t need to try to accurately suss out whatever that is lol.
Yeah, it’s pretty nifty. If you like stuff like that, a related site would be naked capitalism.
but on related note
I’m not discouraging you, am I?