Check comments for full describtion

So I finally had my first case of sleep paralysis and it was freaking awesome. Sure… horrifying… but awesome.

I’ve only ever heard people talk about it and always thought that it was just a meme but no, the way people describe it is pretty much spot on. Demon crawling up to you, not being able to move, yadaya, all the good stuff.

I always thought I couldn’t experience sleep paralysis because I’m a side sleeper and this makes it even less likely.

To say “I don’t scare easily.” would be an understatement. Sure I get startled sometimes, but that’s just instict taking over. I don’t think I have experienced true irrational horror since I was a child. I’d say horror in general is just not part of our daily lives anymore. As someone who is into movie making, even horror movies don’t really cut it for me, because I’m always thinking about the behind the scenes of each shot instead of actually being scared.

That’s why I am so appreciative of a good nightmare. Its horror from the deepest darkest places of your mind, specifically tailored to you. It’s the best private horror show you’ll ever going to get. And for someone who’s never really scared, that is worth a lot.

I’m only kinda disapointed of how my paralysis demon looks. I was hoping it would be some cute ghost lady, but it’s more like a shadowy humanoid tentacle alien. Kinda like the mindflayer from Stranger Things but without any discernable features, just a shadow silouette.

Its kinda like finding out your Patronus is a crosseyed possum, I mean it gets the job done sure… but it’s kinda not what I was hoping for.

Also it made a weird tribal “galagalagala” sound while approaching, which gotta say, not exactly the spookiest thing.

All in all 7/10 experience. Wouldn’t recommend it every day, but every once in a while it shirley is fun.

    1 month ago

    Sleep paralysis isn’t related to nightmares though? It’s just an inability to move

    In my experience, it’s fucking annoying. It’s only happened to me a couple of times but waking up and being unable to move is an inconvenience.

    I’m not really clear what this post is about. You enjoy nightmares or you enjoy sleep paralysis? The nightmares thing kind of makes sense if you like recovering from fear

      1 month ago

      A lot of people as part of sleep paralysis, experience a sort of hallucination of usually a vaguely humanoid demon lurking over you or sitting on your chest. They’re a different experience but there’s some connection between dreams/nightmares and sleep paralysis, and lucid dreamers are somewhat more likely to experience it than most people.

      I’m very much in the same boat as OP as a nightmare-enjoyer, I don’t scare easily and kind of enjoy the adrenaline rush when it happens. When I have a nightmare

      I’ve only experienced sleep paralysis once, saw my sleep paralysis demon just kind of lurking in the shadows in the corner of the room. Didn’t really scare me, I knew what was going on, I just kind of sat there (not that I had much choice in that I suppose) and enjoyed the experience for what it was. Then as my ability to move returned and the demon just kind of faded into the shadows I pretty much just thought (that was cool) rolled over and went back to sleep.

      My demon was also kind of boring, just a vaguely human-shaped patch of shadows that kind of stood out from the rest of the shadows in the room, and it pretty much just stood there watching me.

    • LouNeko@lemmy.worldOP
      1 month ago

      My last actual nightmare was maybe a month ago. I don’t remember the full extent of the dream but what triggered the nightmare scenario for me was some character on a monitor from a TV or videogame (don’t remember exactly) turning their head unnaturaly and starting directly at me as if aware of my presence through the screen. Their natural human eyes instantly turned into big white circles with small black dots as pupils surrounded by growing darkness.

      My blood pressure instantly went through the roof but I usually don’t wake up immediately.

      It was around 6 am so when I did finaly wake up there was already some light coming trough the blinds.

      The weird thing is, after I calmed down. I closed my eyes and in a half sleep state I tried “re-dreaming” the same scenario again and my body almost instantly reacted the same way. And then again, and again. But with each time the effect diminshed.

      But I wasn’t dreaming in the half asleep state. I was literally just forcefully putting the same image of that character staring at me into my head. And still I got a fright response each time from fairly simple imagery.

      Of course now it doesn’t work anymore, I guess because I “exhausted” that source of horror.

      Brains are crazy.

    1 month ago

    Yo 👋🏼 I’ve experienced sleep paralysis A LOT but I never actually “saw” anything, the feeling was plenty terrifying for me. Unable to move or scream for help. Definitely that heavy feeling across your chest/abdomen and like something/one is holding your limbs down. But never seeing this thing doing so. No shadows, figures, etc. just vibes lmao. I respect your views on nightmares and sleep paralysis, but I simply do not resonate with your perception. I do frighten easily, and I’m currently on medication that causes vivid dreams/nightmares EVERY NIGHT. I would kill for that sleep so deep when you wake up you thought you were dead lol.

      1 month ago

      Yup. I’ve only had it a couple times but never saw anything either. It’s just like “fuck, I’m awake but not quite awake”

      It’s interesting you mentioned “scream for help” because I felt like I just had an internal scream when it happened to me. As if I yelled at myself until I eventually moved, if that makes sense.

        1 month ago

        I think I understand what you mean by internal scream, but my experience is more like… the inability. I could breathe but I couldn’t force the sound out of my body. It happened so frequently I started to bypass struggling and just going back to sleep. 😂

      1 month ago

      Vibes based sleep paralysis is the worst cause you can’t see anything, only sense things. It’s the worse when you have FOMO and your sleep paralysis has convinced you that there is a party going on that you can’t participate in.

  • LouNeko@lemmy.worldOP
    1 month ago

    I’ll put the actual description of the event as a separate comment because some people find reading about other peoples dreams boring and I didn’t want to clif up the posts text.

    So it was a multi-part dream (as they usually are) and I’m going to skip the sad melancholic first part.

    So there I was at a race track in the evening. Apperently I was part of the pit crew and this was a private test race, only 3 of our own drivers all Mustangs. All 3 drivers turned in for a pit stop, they were all fairly young guys (18-20 maybe). The lead mechanic was a retired race-driver himself. During the pit stop he went off on the drivers about the condition of the cars (body panels were scratched up and came loose) and that the drivers were to focused on instruments. He said “Do the racing first and then when you hit the long straight, then you can check on your lap time, otherwise you’re gonna get yourself killed.”. Meanwhile the first driver our of the pit manged to spin his car before even leaving the pit area. As he shamefully reversed back to the pit he was cursing and blaming the car for that. The lead mechanic told him to get out, got in himself (together with me) and took the car for a spin on the track. It was bonkers fast to say the least.

    As the race continued the weather worsened by a lot. The cars were pitted and an almost monsoon like downpour quickly flooded the track turning it basically into a lake. So we did what every group rational people would to and got out our windsurfing boards. As we started I weirdly gotten ahead of everybody but due to high winds I actually lifted out of the water and started almost flying away. struggling to keep the sail under control over the track I fairly softly crashlanded right outside the pit area. As I walked to the pit lit I noticed on of the guys lying unconscious and injured in a lounger. I waited for him to come to and asked him what happened. He said that he also got lifted out if the water, but his ceashlanding wasn’t as soft. I decided to keep him company and layed down on a lounger next to him looking into the dark night sky.

    Suddenly I was in my bedroom. The light was on (which isn’t too weird because I sometimes fall asleep before turning it off). I heard somebody open up the door to our house and through a narrow open crack of my bedroom door I could see the light in the hallway also light up. It was weird because it clearly was late at night and none of my room mates were ever out that late. But I heard keys rustling and somebody undressing so I was somewhat put at ease thinking it truly must be one of my room mates. At the same time I thought about quickly getting up to turn my bedroom lights of so he wouldn’t wonder why I was up so late at night. As the light in the hallway turned off the rustling stopped. Usually this I followed by either somebody going up the stairs or somebody entering their own bedroom door, but there was nothing. If felt as if something was watching me out of the hallway darkness through that tiny crack of my bedroom door.

    Suddenly the light in my room turned off.

    At this point I was actually awake and looking around my dark room with my own eyes unable to move. I was laying on my back which was unusual for me. Because I was familiar with what people told about sleep paralisis I was fully aware of what was about to happen. First I could hear this weird almost tribal sounding "GalagaGalgaGalaga… " sound. Then a shadowy figure quickly crept through the door crack moving to my right side, around my back, stopping to my left and lowering its head right above my face. It was a featureless sillouette with a slightly elongated head. The sound it made got slightly louder but not in a way you’d expect as if it was emitting from the figure directly.
    I desperately tried to move, but the only thing I managed was 2 fingers on my right hand and flexing my left arm slightly. Usually the slightest muscle movement would reliably snap me out of a dream, but this time it wasn’t working.
    I tried speak but my tounge and lips were paralized. I tried to say “removed, fight me” and “Dare to turn the light on.” But I managed to say “Bith, fah me” and “Da to the d’lith in” (hopefully my room mates didn’t here that, lol)

    Suddenly I gained back my body function but for a brief moment I was bombarded with almost epilepsy inducing flashes of desperate attempts from my brain to rationalize the still glooming silouette in front of me. Withing a second the sillouette flashed into ASCII code, got turned into a cartoon character, then dispersed into a crowd of dancing people in a nightclub with lights disco flashing.

    The whole event took place over maybe 7 seconds.

    And then it was just dark. Darker than usual. Usually if I wake up at night my eyes are used to the darkness of my room and I can see atleast somewhat. But it seamed like those flashes actually affected my eyes and reset my receptors.

    I also got flooded with endorphins and started grining like an idiot.

    So yeah, that’s essentially how went. I grabbed my phone after and stated typing this out as long as the memory is still fresh.

    16 days ago

    I had sleep paralysis for the first time about year ago, and I’m glad I’m not the only freak who liked it. Felt like some demon was holding me down. I didn’t see anything weird, though, just my bedroom, and it stopped after maybe thirty seconds or less.
    If I hadn’t heard about sleep paralysis for years, I would have freaked out.

    1 month ago

    I had a horror/comedy dream last night. It was pretty funny in hindsigt, so here it goes:

    I am in my office at work, and I get a really important call regarding a case I’ve been working on (in real life) for a while. So I already know exactly what I want to say, but to my surprise my throat is so sore that I can hardly speak.

    Every time I open my mouth I just either yell loudly or whistle silently. I only manage to say a few syllables in each breath.

    This goes on for quite some time in which I barely manage to explain my unfortunate situation and that it’s important that they hear me out. The call repeatedly gets cut off and starts over, forcing me to go through the whole thing several times much to my frustration, before I realize that I’ve actually just been snoring in my sleep and wake up.