Hello, I am currently stressing out over something and wanted some input on the matter.

So to start off I am the only full time housekeeper at a 3 story mansion turned rehab. I have a schedule/list of things I am supposed to get done daily and weekly. I work 2nd shift 3-11pm and on weekends. I work alone and have to do a lot of hard physical labor such as patroling every room in the mansion, doing full room clean outs, doing trash, sweeping, mopping, hauling trash 500ft to the dumpster in midday summer heat multiple times with a broken wagon, and vaccuming the staircases. Not to mention a bunch of other things I wont bother to list. I get every single thing on that list done to the best of my ability. My coworkers told me the week I showed up most of the cleaning complaints went away. I like to think I have done my best overall even if I cant give 110% everyday.

Now heres the thing, I take my breaks. When I get done an hour or two of physically taxing work I do take a good size break. when it gets late in the work week I get tired more easily. Ill go into a office with a spare desk and eat my lunch or whatever. Sometimes when its later at night ill turn the light off to rest my eyes if they hurt. My boss knows this, we have had this discussion before. My terms are that I will do the labor they want and in return I will take my breaks how I see fit.

So, my mom also works at the same place. This weekend (my weekend) she calls me up in a panic saying “They have irefutable evidence you were caught sleeping in the office, I dont know if they are going to fire you or what.” I told her whatever and I dont really care, but it is actually bothering me. She has severe panic anxiety issues so I doubt they will actually fire me, almost certainly will be a vocal wrist slap or maybe a write up. I know for 100% fact I dont sleep on the job. Hide away in an office from time to time sure, but my radio is on and I make sure to patrol every hour or two. It irritates me that I have to worry about stupid bullshit like this. I have a hard enough job already and I dont need this stress for what little they are paying me. I make 14.50$. The local gas stations pay 17.00$. I have an electromechanical engineering degree and have worked in industry as a maintenance tech, I am overquailified but took this job because of the reduced stress. That benefit is quickly slipping away. They also pulled the ‘just one more thing’ card with me by moving the dumpster 500ft back from where it used to be (much closer) then pushed it on me to be the only one to haul it with no extra pay.

I am kind of done. I like that I am making money and most days its not too bad. Also great excersise. But I have been yelled at by enough managers in my lifetime, its one thing I do not tolerate. Throw some extra work at me fine, but I refuse to be spit on and treated life a stupid removed boy, especially when I do the work of 3 people for jack shit pay. Fuck you, I can find a job anywhere, do anything. maybe take a few months off and travel first.

I conicidentally sprained my ankle this weekend and put in for all my acrewed PTO this week. I wont have to see my manager till next week. So what should I do? My thoughts were:

  1. Hand in my keycards right then and there to my boss, shake his hand thank him for the opportunity and walk out. Refuse to tolerate ‘speaking about it’.

  2. Speak to the big boss, the Facility Director. Tell them exactly what I just said here, I do a lot of work alone and have essentially kept the place in clean order single handedly for months now. I am not asking for a raise, I just want to be left alone by management. Either accept my conditions or I walk.

  3. swallow my pride and tolerate a wrist smack. Let management chew me out and go about my day. I don’t really want to do this but financially I like making money. I am in a fortunate position where I have saved up most of what I made and am now sitting on a couple thousand in e-fund. I wanted to travel a bit anyways so I have the $ to burn through for a few months if no major unexpected expense happens (Crosses fingers).

Your thoughts? I am worried I am being a little self rightious but I have thought about it for a long time and come to the conclusion I have done nothing wrong really. I am being wrongly accused for something I didnt do. I put in more work than I should have to for what I get paid. And I give a good attitude to boot.