As part of an analysis of how U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida Judge Aileen Cannon, reports from her courtroom show a judge who is both “prickly” and" insecure" and often has trouble understanding what lawyers from both sides try to explain to her.

The controversial Cannon – who has been accused of slow-walking Donald Trump’s obstruction of justice trial related to his alleged illegal retention of government documents – in recent hearings has pressed lawyers to remake their points over and over, which led to the New York Times’ Alan Feuer to question whether, “she does not understand the answers she is receiving or is trying to push back against them.”

“Only the best,” am I right?

    4 months ago

    Yup and how much was the electoral process and democracy damaged?

    We’re debating right now what happens if a president is in prison.

    Joe Biden won. But how confident are you that he’s holding for the next ten years? Plus who owns the courts right now for the next couple decades. Ground is lost everyday. Just wait for an economic downturn.

      4 months ago

      I know it’s a very difficult concept for trumpists to grasp, but some people respect term limits, so Biden doesn’t actually hold out for the next 10 years.

            4 months ago

            sure, diaper Donny is an absolute turd. But a turd who somehow has built a base that has more energy and commitment than anything in any other political group. They stormed the capital when he lost. They have hobbled elections and democracy for at least the next couple elections. And that’s only because Donny is such an idiot. You’re looking at this the wrong way. Donny as you would say is an absolute moron and shits the bed. But the left still lost and is only going to win the next election because Biden has been ok as a president. If Trump wasn’t an idiot, America could be in a much different place right now. And really, it kind of is in a much different place since the democrats lost the courts for a possible a couple decades.

              4 months ago

              I’m not sure why you got downvoted for this, so I upvoted it.

              The Democrats are having a hell of a time making things work out for them. Every election they have, they are at BEST tied and frequently have times where they are under water on polling. The average person has no idea what the Dems have done for him, and only sees ‘muh gas cost more, muh groceries cost more, and it’s all Biden’s fault.’

              Biden’s numbers go up when he Dark Brandons, but they don’t stay that way because the Right’s bullshit is non-stop and never-ending. You get force-fed it by supposedly ‘left’-leaning organisations like CNN and MSNBC. The only voices those media outlets let speak are the ones hand-wringing about the latest thing Dems got wrong, and of course constant non-stop coverage of the worst aspects of the protests on the Left. And then Biden goes back to being quiet. We voters on the left are basically treated like mushrooms, ‘fed shit and kept in the dark.’ Moderates start buying the rhetoric that inflation is Biden’s fault and Biden’s responsibility to fix, despite the fact that profits are at an all-time high.

              I’d be careful about calling Trump an idiot. You don’t get where he has gotten while being an idiot. Let’s not attribute to incompetence what SHOULD be attributed to malice. Trump failed to get where he wanted to be because he underestimated the bureaucracy. He’s not planning on doing that this time, nor are his backers, and the Project to Dismantle American Democracy (euphemistically called Project 2025) details EXACTLY how he intends to do it.

              Trump’s shitting the bed is intentional, because he knows that he could broadcast a live TV video feed during prime time of him in bed, with a live boy, a dead girl, a half-eaten puppy, and a half-eaten kitten, and then take a massive shit right in the middle of that bed, and 30% of Americans would vote for him with no reservations, and another 15-20% would vote for him ‘because he’s our guy who shits the bed and not the other guy or gal.’ As he famously said, he could shoot somebody on 5th Avenue and those 30% would STILL vote for him. America has a taste for authoritarianism (as it always has, REALLY, some people need to study history), and Trump has leveraged that for political gain.

              We need to stop underestimating Trump’s ability and intelligence, and by ‘we’, I mean the Democratic Party leadership, starting all the way at the top with President Biden. It’s time for Dark Brandon to come out and not go back home until after Election Day, and for heavens sake, keep trotting him out the next four years.

              PS: Let’s either swap Harris out, or make her start being the face of this Admin. Biden can’t run in 2028, and if Trump Sr. isn’t there to capitalise on this, Trump Jr. or some other authoritarian jerk will be, as will Project 20259.

                4 months ago

                Thank you for understanding. I feel like I’m going insane seeing this and doesn’t seem others are grasping this stuff. Sadly I don’t think trump is dump either but I feel like it has to be said here just so I don’t have to also go into explaining that. The right is smart where the left is not. The right wing seems to grasp social game more. Trump knows how to make politics entertaining to average guys

      4 months ago

      “Biden is so bad that Trump might actually get elected” is not the defence of Republicans that you think it is.