After 11 months of daily posting to [email protected] I have been banned so they are now fully without Heathcliff.

I’m not bitter about it. The mods in each group are free to decide what is in their community.

If you aren’t familiar with this project here are the basics:

I remove Heathcliff from each day’s Heathcliff comic. In most cases this preserves their absurdist, dada, anti-joke vibe because his presence is frequently irrelevant to the joke even though he is the titular character.

Every day except Sunday. On those days I add him to something he wasn’t in.

I will post the original in the comments each day so you have a comparison available.

This isn’t Garfield Minus Garfield. Those edits become introspective instead of more or the same level of surreal. Those where done selectively versus this project being daily.

    2 months ago

    Curious as to why you were banned as I enjoy your comic. We were just talking about your comic and the Garfield - Garfield strip in the FarSide sub yesterday.

    That said, yesterday I coincidentally deleted my other account on as I don’t really like the vibe there. Maybe that vibe had something to do with your ban. Looking forward to seeing more of your work still.

    2 months ago

    Just wanted to say that I enjoy your edits. I had never seen the comic before but predicting how Heathcliff fits into it is a fun game, before I look at the original. Do you have them collected somewhere? The old posts aren’t accessible anymore I guess