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“This was intentional,” said U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib. “You don’t accidentally kill massive amounts of children and their families over and over again and get to say, ‘It was a mistake.’”

    4 months ago

    My point is, if you have decided to pull the trigger, knowing you’re gonna kill a kid, I hope you die a painful death and no longer care what you think.

    It’s just tragic coincidence after tragic coincidence after tragic coincidence.

    At what point do you stop believing these are accidents?

    • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
      4 months ago

      Sometimes they aren’t. I have hope Israel, as a democracy, will sort its shit out at the ballot box. Same as I hope for my own country, and throughout the western world. We all have rightwing nutjobs we need to be excising from our politics.

      I have zero hope that will happen for any Palestinian or really virtually anyone in the middle east outside of Israel. I have more hope for Iraq as a beacon of democratic ideals than I do for Gaza. Gaza is a lost cause and nobody is going to miss Hamas or remember a few score thousands of collateral deaths, attributable entirely to Hamas’s leadership.

      E: Not just me

        4 months ago

        I will remember, and I will make sure to tell others if they begin to forget.

        It’s not a whole beach, but you have to do it one starfish at a time

        • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
          4 months ago

          C’mon don’t kid. This is a footnote in history and will be remembered as little more than a local police matter. A war with Iran on the other hand, is going to kill 35,000 people by the hour, by the minute perhaps. Imagine how sad that’s going to be for you!

          That’s the starfish I’m thinking about. Not you though. You have the one right in front of you that you’re talking about saving on the internet, not actually saving, and can’t see there is actually a starfish steamroller coming down the beach and the starfish you are tying to save are the ones that invited the steamroller to come.

            4 months ago

            So, in your opinion, this is all okay because the alternative is war with Iran?

            Why are you so sure that will happen if Palestine and Hamas survive? Are you concerned that it might be bias giving you so much confidence?

            I have to say that it appears like you are just imagining a worse outcome (whether likely or not) and using it to justify a slightly less bad outcome.

            Seems like shaky ground, no?

            • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
              4 months ago

              I suppose if you think of it as some far off thing that might happen, yeah pretty shaky. Being a long term state sponsor of anti Jewish terrorism shows their commitment to wiping out Israel. It’s basically also all the talk about. They are true believers: they think they are ordained by God to control all Israeli land, that Jews should be removed from such lands by force, that when they find terrorism aimed at killing innocent Israeli people, that they are doing God’s work. In short, the war is already happening. It’s about keeping it contained.

              I’m not even as concerned with the direct, hot war. Israel will wipe Iranian forced off the map within weeks, and they will certainly turn Tehran into a sheet of glass before they let Iranian troops march into Jerusalem.

              I’m thinking about the 110,000,000 people that live in Iran and Israel, as well as the hundreds of millions of other people who live in surrounded states that are likely to collapse under the weight of the unprecedented refugee crisis which would result from another failed middle east state as large as Iran. And after Israel gets done defending itself, Iran will be a failed state.

              Try to imagine one state after another throughout the Mediterranean Coast, throughout North Africa, down the eastern coast of Africa, South and central Asia. A lot of these countries are barely hanging on, how’s it going to be when they’re wave after wave of millions of refugees who all need food and water. 35,000 people could be dying every 8 minutes.

              Yeah, maybe this a little bit speculative in the same way anything that hasn’t happened yet is a little bit speculative.

              I think we take a little bit of precaution to try and avoid this, and that means we bolster Israel’s defensive posture as to Iran. And I don’t see how anyone could really get upset about that. Israel does not need anyone to bolster their defensive posture as far as Gaza or the West Bank is concerned. Do they make their own weapons in Israel. They do not need one us-made weapon to level all of Gaza and all of the West Bank. And they could do it within a day. The fact that not only have they not done so, they have managed to only kill 0.7% of the people in these areas over the course of 8 months. That’s why they have the right to claim they are the most moral Army in the world; any other country’s military would have leveled the place after about the third suicide bombing.

              Like I get it, 35,000 people, half of them kids, it is awful. No, it is not okay. Israel can and must do more to limit civilian casualties. But it’s morally, practically, legally, emphatically less not okay than purposely weakening Israel’s posture as to Iran, to invite that catastrophe, because we got really sad about wildly exaggerated reports about how Israel is handling a local border dispute with a group of outlaws and their loyal supporters. Again, I know not all Palestinians are loyal Hamas supporters. It’s probably a hell of lot more than 0.7%, though.

                4 months ago

                That is a hell of a lot of conjecture.

                I don’t know that Israel would win that one though, they couldn’t even stop a probing attack from Iran, and that was with the help of4-5 other countries as well as advance notice.

                Iran could glass Tel Aviv tomorrow if they actually wanted to and Israel wouldn’t be able to stop it.

                Maybe if we find some kids throwing rocks or some hostages with their hands up, or hell even some people just sleeping.

                Now those I bet the cowardly little fucks could handle, anything more dangerous than that though, they are ok with killing 50 to 100 people to get1 supposed Hamas person.

                Maybe we can find them some clearly marked aid workers or journalists.

                Don’t try to sell me a piece of shit and pretend it’s candy.

                4 months ago

                Why would you choose the killing civilians option rather than just saying they each need their own country? Israel needs to hold new elections, and Hamas will not be permitted to rule Palestine.

                I understand the vitriol towards Hamas but I dont understand why all Palestinians are grouped in with Hamas.

                If I were to follow that perspective, wouldnt I have to condemn all Israelis for the actions of their political leaders?

                • If you are going to hold your breath waiting for Gaza to excise Hamas, you’re going to suffocate.

                  They won’t do it. They have had chance after chance after chance. Even now, it would only take a few cooperators to dismantle whatever is left of Hamas and the tunnels. Where is the cooperation? Where t the effort by Palestinian people to thwart Hamas’s terro le strategy? I don’t see it.

                  I used to agree with a two state solution even for Gaza and still could be easily persuaded as to the West Bank, but Gaza is forfeit, it’s a lost cause, it is irredenta. a few bad apples spoiled the bunch. Everything is corrupted, from its institutions to very foundations of its cities.

                  Terrorists are in charge of Gaza. Here are some things terrorists are not allowed to have: a country, an international airport, a deep water port, access to global banking. The reasons are obvious. Those are some of things Gaza has forfeited by putting terrorists in charge and keeping them there.

                    4 months ago

                    Regardless of who’s in charge of Gaza, the Palestinian people need somewhere to live.

                    Would you say the best option is to allow israel to clear out all of Gaza and the give it back to the Palestinian people? What about expanding the West Bank to accommodate the displaced people?

                    To me it sounds like the “genocide” option, or however you want to call it, is just the easy option. It requires the least amount of effort, as a huge amount of people no longer need to be respected, considered, or protected. The right thing to do would require compromise between the two nations, which can’t happen when one nation won’t admit the other exists.

                    Not to mention that Israel “moved in” to their current country not that long ago, you’d think they’d have compassion for a people who is oppressed greatly and hsd no safe place to call their own.

                    The one true thing about all people is how resilient and adaptable we are. It takes energy and effort to continue living a certain perspective, and if we put that energy into a different perspective as individuals and as a community (perspectives are infectious), it just takes time to change.

                    If you really think people can’t change then I could see why you would think what’s happening now is an alright solution.