I remember seeing the news, the last consumer CRT production facility stopped producing around a decade ago, but I’m having trouble finding the article. They’re still being produced for commercial uses though (Boeing 747 removedpits use them for example).
I remember seeing the news, the last consumer CRT production facility stopped producing around a decade ago, but I’m having trouble finding the article. They’re still being produced for commercial uses though (Boeing 747 removedpits use them for example).
I think those are being built out of existing tube stock, I don’t know that anybody is making new tubes. But yeah, basically.
There’s at least one company still producing them
Man, that gives one hope. But also, the “we’re not going anywhere” general tone really paints a picture :D
I wonder how long until it makes sense for someone like that to start making absurdly expensive consumer displays as a side gig.
There’s probably some military shadow contractor in a clandestine factory somewhere…