AMA are parasites and they have been since at least 1970s when they sold out to the corporate.
Also, they ensure artificial shortage of doctors in the US
How does a voluntary private membership organization that owns or controls no medical schools, has no legal authority, and isn’t lobbying anyone for this purpose controlling the number of doctors in the USA?
I get that was a common bs claim on reddit but did you ever look into whether it makes any sense?
Ever heard of AIPAC or a generic trade group lobby before?
Yes, and I know what the AMA does and limiting the number of doctors is nowhere on the list of stuff they do.
Well that’s a you being poorly educated problem dear…
The American Medical Association (AMA) bears substantial responsibility for the policies that led to physician shortages. Twenty years ago, the AMA lobbied for reducing the number of medical schools, capping federal funding for residencies, and cutting a quarter of all residency positions. Promoting these policies was a mistake, but an understandable one: the AMA believed an influential report that warned of an impending physician surplus.
They just “lobby” no big deal
Quacks as a group are class traitors. And the good ones get fucked by their stupid system so only parasites are permitted to rise to the top.
“ To its credit, in recent years, the AMA has largely reversed course. For instance, in 2019, the AMA urged Congress to remove the very caps on Medicare-funded residency slots it helped create.”
Sounds like we are both wrong as they stopped doing this
They did generational damage tonthe country… They are a trash org in my book.
Them back tracking now is hardly anything of value since nothing changed. They know they got bad PR and they need to maintain good PR BC plebs are turning on the quacks.
Read between the lines.
Go back and look at my other comment in this thread. They have been problematic for other reasons such as their opposition to foreign trained doctors or the endorsement of products.
I’m unfortunately not suprised either. A large percentage of medical professionals are bigoted individualists.
I maintain that there is a strong correlation between many doctors being bigoted individualists and the fact that medical school is incredibly expensive and taxing, and it takes a lot of privilege or luck to get through it. (Of course, you also need the potential to do it, but many people have the potential and desire and will never be able to access the schooling required.)
There are of course many exceptions to this, but it is something I have noticed over the years as both a (minority) patient and someone that has been in the company of medical doctors outside of a clinical setting.
Yes — and undoubtably a lot of people who make it through are given a sort of superiority complex. Ie. I’m amazing I made it through this hard shit.
The AMA has been problematic for 35 years now.